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Activities & Outings

Each month, there is a Club excursion event to a place or places of interest, with the emphasis on learning, discovery and socialising. In December, this takes the form of a special Christmas lunch.

Once a year a trip may be planned that involves several days away, outside of Melbourne or beyond Victoria.

Activities are planned by the Committee, and are advertised through the general meetings, the newsletter and this website. In all of the Club’s activities, we are mindful of cost. The committee works hard to arrange interesting quality events that are affordable for members.

Forthcoming Trips and Events

Here's what's planned for our Club activities and outings in the near future ...

(To find out about the guest speakers planned for upcoming general meetings see the ‘Meetings and Speakers’ page.)

Club members will advised of final details of forthcoming excursions and luncheons plus how and when to book at the monthly general meeting and via email.

NOTE: With respiratory diseases such as COVID-19, RSV and influenza still circulating in our community, members are encouraged to continue to exercise caution and follow health department guidelines with regard to social distancing and mask wearing.

Please do not attend a Club activity if you are feeling unwell or have any flu/COVID-like symptoms

Capitol Theatre Melbourne auditorium ceiling
Photo By Rohanstorey, Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, September 17th

Tour of the Capitol Theatre

Celebrating 100 years of architectural and cinematic wonder this year, the Capitol Theatre was designed in an Art Deco / Chicago-Gothic style in 1924 by Marion Mahony Griffin and Walter Burley Griffin. From silent films to near-demolition, refurbishments and reinvention, the theatre has stood the test of time to remain a cultural icon of Melbourne.

The tour will give you the opportunity to learn about the fascinating history and unique architecture of the theatre from the beautiful auditorium to the quirky architectural elements of the theatre's design.

Make your own way to the theatre and meet at the entry area.

Venue: Capitol Theatre, 113 Swanston St, Melbourne
Cost: $42, including afternoon tea

More details closer to the date.

Coming Soon


A glimpse of activities planned for later in the year...

October 21st - Tram Boat: Docklands to Herring Island (TBC)
December 18th - Christmas Lunch

More details, date and time, etc to be advised ...

Previous Activities and Outings

To see a Historical Record of Club events - visit the Typical Experiences page, and the Photos page.